Garage Door Safety Month

May is Garage Door Safety Month - Let's Celebrate

Look, Listen, Learn & Remember

 A Hallmark in the Door and Access Systems Industry

Garage door safety is imperative to our industry which is why IDA holds special recognition during this time. Though garage door safety is important year-round, having Garage Door Safety Month in May allows members to highlight their dedication to safety even further – bettering our industry, your company, and the public annually. Let’s Look, Listen, Learn, and Remember during the month of May.

Use these digital icons, infographic, and videos to help promote your company as an expert in safety and build trust in your community. Include these on your website as resources in your communications with customers, in press releases and as posts on your social media accounts.


Support Garage Door Safety Month by sharing these graphics on your social media channels.



View and share these videos in your promotion of Garage Door Safety Month.

How to Use These Resources

  • Link to these videos on your website and social media channels and reach out to customers to remind them about periodic safety checks. Consider running a discounted safety check option in May.
  • Include safety information in a press release (template available on this page for download) to a local television station, radio, or newspaper and offer to be interviewed about garage door safety.
  • During Garage Door Safety Month, post your own safety video on your social media accounts highlighting different aspects of garage door and operator safety.
  • Create a mailer for customers as a friendly reminder to get their garage door inspected periodically and reference these materials.

Have specific questions on how to use these materials? Reach out to us for help.

For additional information on garage door safety visit: