Press Releases

Has your company recently sent out a press release? You can send the following types of press releases to us for free publication in our magazine! Acceptable submissions include:

  • Moving Up
    • Make sure your customers know when you have had personnel changes. Announce promotions, retirements, territory changes, etc. in this section. Readers want this information, and your employees will feel good about it as well.
  • Product News
    • This may be the most well-read section of the magazine, and is available for your use at no charge. Announce new products, technical data, color changes and any other product information you would like to share. We happily accept your photos, charts and graphs to enhance your announcement.
  • Industry News
    • Have you opened a new facility? Are you celebrating a company anniversary? Are you planning an Open House? Use the Industry News section to provide information that would be of general interest to the industry. Again, photos are welcomed.
  • Literature News
    • If you have recently released new literature, including catalogs, brochures, product sheets or even launched a new website, make sure those who need to know find out. When sending your announcement, be sure to include a sample of the literature and we will give the readers a glimpse.
Press Release Policy

IDA magazine does not publish press releases pertaining to the appointment of dealerships, distributorships or franchisees of product and/or service providers. The publication reserves the right to edit, publish, or refuse to publish press releases.

Press Release Requirements

All press releases much be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Photos supplied should be high-resolution (not copied from a web page). Word count should be 100-200 max. IDA magazine reserves the right to edit press releases to fit the magazine content.

To learn more about submitting press releases, contact